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undisturbed soil中文是什么意思

用"undisturbed soil"造句"undisturbed soil"怎么读"undisturbed soil" in a sentence


  • 土的分类原状土
  • 未搅动土
  • 未扰动土
  • 原壮土
  • 原状士攘,未扰乱土样
  • 原状土


  • Technical standard for sampling of undisturbed soils
  • Soil quality . physical methods . measuring of the bulk density of a undisturbed soil sample . cylinder method
  • Grey relational analysis and evaluation on anti - shear strength of the undisturbed soil of typical vegetations in jinyun mountain in chongqing city
  • Standard test method for determining the effect of freeze - thaw on hydraulic conductivity of compacted or undisturbed soil specimens using a flexible wall permeameter
  • Through the test of the undisturbed soil samples from zhongyun river , changxing island of yangtze river , and the water channel of huaihe river to sea , it is considered that the critical starting condition for soil in different channes are different because of the difference of the formation conditions , qualities and structures , though the physical and mechanical properties of soil is similar
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